What To Expect At Your Plastic Surgery Visit

What is a plastic surgery visit?

A plastic surgery visit is the first step to getting what you want. In this consultation, an expert plastic surgeon creates a custom path for a patient. By providing assistance, the patient learns about the process.

Anyone who wishes to undergo surgery starts his or her journey with a consultation.

It does not matter if your surgery needs concern the face, body, breast, or aesthetic medicine treatments. Or if you need plastic, aesthetic, or reconstructive surgery.

Here at My Face Surgeon, a first appointment is customary. For one thing, it is useful to welcome any patient into the clinic. Then again, several ways are available to ease the patient into a more informed view of the surgery to be done.

What is the plastic surgery visit for?

The plastic surgeon wants to meet the patient’s beauty needs. At the same time, the patient explains what he or she would like to achieve.

The plastic surgery visit allows the specialist to evaluate the goals with the patient. Assessing the extent of the defect takes up the remaining part of the visit. Then, the surgeon provides clear and complete information for a safe and informed decision.

The surgeon may explain varying surgery procedures such as:

  • Facial cosmetic surgery: blepharoplasty, face lift, lipostructure, additive mentoplasty, otoplasty, rhinoplasty.
  • Body cosmetic surgery: abdominoplasty, gynecomastia, thigh lift, lipoaspiration.
  • Cosmetic breast surgery: breast lift, breast augmentation, breast reduction).
  • Aesthetic medicine: hyaluronic acid implant, botulinum toxin injection, revitalizing treatment.

How does the plastic surgery visit take place?

After the usual check-in procedures, you will meet a medical assistant first. At the My Face Surgeon clinic, the initial goal is to obtain the patient’s medical history. Then, the plastic surgeon meets the patient.

Usually, the surgeon interviews the patient. In this conversation, you will talk about your needs and desires. It is the job of the surgeon to explain the risks involved in the surgery. As well as what results are achievable.

Sometimes, patients need diagnostic tests. Thus, the surgeon may prescribe:

  • Useful laboratory tests (normally, blood tests).
  • Radiological tests.
  • Cardiological tests.

In this case, patients are advised to bring back any tests before going ahead with the discussion.

How should patients prepare for their first visit?

When you first contact a clinic, the staff should tell you what to bring with you. Here is a short list of useful items to take with you to help your first visit run smoothly:

  • Your insurance card.
  • A reminder that contains medications or supplements you take.
  • Any medical records that may relate to your problem or aesthetic goal.
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What Is A Non-Surgical Nose Job

A non-surgical nose job is one of the most requested medical procedures, in particular for people who want to show off a prettier nose without undergoing surgery. If you are curious about this procedure and want to try, read this article to find out more about how it works.

How it Works

The professional will inject derma fillers above and below the bump in the nose to smooth them out and make it look less angular, or apply it in the tip of your nose to make it look more refined. Most of the time this dermal filler is hyaluronic acid, although some times the doctor will apply botox on the tip of your nose to lift it. The filler is injected into the deepest layers of skin and holds its shape, the procedure isn’t permanent it will last anywhere from 4 months to 3 years.

Compared to the surgical rhinoplasty the procedure is faster and more simple, the doctor will apply a topical anesthetic in your nose so you won’t feel pain just pressure and pinching. The whole process lasts 15 to 45 minutes and you will notice the results in 2 weeks. It is always important to get this procedure done by a qualified plastic surgeon.

Ideal Candidates for This Procedure

  • People who want to have a more refined nose but are afraid or don’t feel ready to undergo surgery.
  • Those who don’t have enough money to pay for rhinoplasty but want to improve their nose.
  • Busy people who don’t have the time to do the recovery time of surgical rhinoplasty.
  • People who want to minimize the bumps on the bridge of their nose and contour it.
  • People who want to add volume to the nose or make the tip more prominent.
  • People who don’t want permanent results.

Is Non-surgical Rhinoplasty Safe?

The derma fillers that are used in the procedure (hyaluronic acid) are biocompatible and biodegradable, it is completely safe for your body and it is broken down by it naturally. When the procedure is applied by professionals like Robertkotlermd.com. If you don’t like the results you can talk to the doctor and he or she will remove them with hyaluronidase (an enzyme that breaks down hyaluronic acid).

Side Effects

The side effects are minor and include redness, bruising, swelling, and nausea. The redness and bruising will go away in 2 weeks.… Read the rest

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