Why You Should Consider Textedly For Your SMS Marketing

Texting is everywhere. It’s a universal phenomenon, and it cuts across every aspect of both our daily life and our professional activities.
Despite the universality of texting, though, many people have little or no awareness of how SMS marketing works, and sites like textedly.com may be an utter mystery to them.
This primer is designed to tackle that issue. We’ll go through some of the basics of text-based marketing, then mention some of the features on textually com.
Start with SMS marketing. Simply put, Short Message Service marketing works with permission-based text messaging. Users that sign up for this service are given a five-digit code, and when they access that code they’re allowed to access whatever messages are current as well as ongoing reminders and new messages.
The basic goal of SMS marketing is to build up a database of subscribers. This in turn increases customer loyalty, and people in the database and in the vicinity can be notified about offers, upcoming deals, and so on.
But SMS marketing can do far more than that. It can be used to notify or remind customers about upcoming events, and you can engage your customers by sending polls about relative subjects.
If you use a quality service like textedly.com, you’ll find a wide range of services available that may surprise you even more. This includes marketing services for retail applications, real estate, restaurant marketing, nonprofit organizations, and enterprise endeavors. Schools can use this kind of marketing as well to keep parents and students updated about all the current changes that are ongoing, and on a more personal level, SMS marketing can also be used to send reminders of important appointments.
The services offered on textedly.com are also more sophisticated than you’d think. For businesses, they can be used to send both texts and picture messages, and for ordinary users, they’ll work on any ordinary mobile phone.
There’s no software to download, and textedly.com products require absolutely no maintenance. It works using a web-based platform that gives you both flexibility and control, so you get to choose what’s available and when.
Textedly.com also offers a multi-layered pricing system. There’s a 14-day trial period that’s absolutely free, and the level of services scale up gradually, topping out at the company’s premium service, with billing done annually.
n short, if you’re even considering SMS marketing, you should give textedly.com a look. There are custom plans available as well, so it’s worthwhile to call to get something to fit your business or personal use. It may turn out to be the best marketing decision you’ve ever made.… Read the rest
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